Well hello there!
Wow, has it really been over a year since I last posted to this blog? Well, I've been adding features, but you kind of have to know about them; one of these days I'll get around to making them more obvious. Two of them — speed control and the ability to go back to previous images — are mentioned on this support post. Another exciting development is that Kevin has been creating some delightful new splash screens for the site! Each time you go there it loads a random one from its collection.
I've also added social and patronage buttons to be About panel (too hidden, perhaps?); if you like the site, share it and/or help support it!
In related news, I wanted to mention a cool site I recently discovered for surfing through Flickr photos: ffffl*ckr. The basic idea is that folks who create pictures that you like are probably into other pictures you'd like, so you surf from one person's favorites to the next person's favorites and so on. Very slick and engaging. Reminds me of my Snapdragon (may it rest in peace).
I've also added social and patronage buttons to be About panel (too hidden, perhaps?); if you like the site, share it and/or help support it!
In related news, I wanted to mention a cool site I recently discovered for surfing through Flickr photos: ffffl*ckr. The basic idea is that folks who create pictures that you like are probably into other pictures you'd like, so you surf from one person's favorites to the next person's favorites and so on. Very slick and engaging. Reminds me of my Snapdragon (may it rest in peace).